Karyoubinga (InfoBox)


Full Name Karyoubinga

Gender Female
Hair Color Silver
Known Relatives Karura ( Older Sister)
  • Sky City
Additional Information
Title The Best Singer on Heaven
Rank Princess
Real World
First Appearance "The Resurrection of Ashura"
Last Appearance "Sky Queen, Fly Away"
Created by CLAMP

Karyoubinga (迦陵頻伽 Karyōbingais the much younger sister of Karura-ō. She has a beautiful singing voice and is devoted to her older sister’s happiness. However, she was born with a very weak body and is prone to fevers and other illness and so she must stay in the thinner air of the floating city of the Karura tribe to survive. Like her sister and Garuda, Karyou also has a bird familiar, in the form of a small song bird. Unfortunately, rumors of her excellent voice reach Taishakuten and he has her kidnapped to get her to sing for him (it is arguable he actually does this to control/incense Karura-ō). She is forced to perform a concert with Kendappa-Oh in front of the assembled court and sings herself to death in the thicker atmosphere for the sake of her sister. Her body is later fed to Taishakuten’s pets. She is last seen collecting Karura-ō’s soul after she is killed by Taishakuten.


Character History


